Tuesday, December 22, 2015

The Secret of Joy


Thanks to those who have checked in and asked how Mary Graham and our family is doing. I can't believe it's been 3 months since I posted. The last few months have been full and good. 

 Mary Graham continues to improve and she is doing great these days. She is walking more on her own without her walker, building strength and still working hard to stretch her hip and leg back out in PT. It has been slow, but we have seen much progress. Her range of motion isn't back to where it was, but we are hopeful she will keep improving and not need another surgery on the hip. She is happier and full of energy and enjoying school and her friends. She got a lift put on her left shoe to help even out her legs (her left is a little shorter) and this seems to have helped too. And she won't need another expansion surgery in Philly until the spring. We have heard back from our neurologist at the National Institute of Health on her DNA blood work that was done over 2 years ago and this is narrowing down more of a specific diagnosis of her neuromuscular disease. The NIH doctors would like us to travel there (Maryland) sometime this next year to learn more about this and do more testing. Would love your prayers and we begin to understand more about Mary Graham.

As I reflect on 2015 there is so much I could say, but I'll keep it simple. God has been with us every step of the way, he has supplied our needs through the ups and downs. Here is the advent quote from Ann Voskamp for today that sums it up perfectly.

My prayer is that we all know the secret of Joy-especially as we approach Christmas and look ahead to what 2016 may hold. Thank goodness God is holding us. 
We are being held every. single. day.

Blessings to you and your families and thank you for praying for MG and our family this year.

"Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever." Hebrews 13:8