Thursday, June 18, 2015

Little update

Mary Graham had a follow up with the orthopedist this week and he was concerned about her pain and stiffness 10 weeks out now from surgery. She has improved in small ways, but he wants to see her again in a couple weeks for an MRI or CT scan to make sure the hip and femur and in the right place. Mainly his concern is that she has not yet straightened out her leg or hip, it's still up in a frog position. But if she shows good progess these next few weeks this won't be necessary.

PT began this week and she is seeing Daphne, her same PT from school this year-so that's helpful. They took it slow (me and big kids left her since we know she'll do more without me there). It went well and we have some things to work on at home. And we went to the pool today and that's so good for her.

Sleeping is not good right now, she is completely out of her harness so moving in her sleep is painful. 

One improvement we have seen is being able to sit in her booster seat again at the dinner table, she was so proud of this. 

And she went to vbs this week and spent time singing and making crafts and hanging out with her friends-she loved it, it was exhausting for her, but so good for her little spirits.

So, prayers for progress, less pain and sleep. Grateful for your prayers!

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