Saturday, January 19, 2013

Taking her time

Mary Graham is slowing starting to show some improvements today. She had an okay night and a rough morning, but they were able to go down on her oxygen a we are making some progress towards weaning. Her lungs are sounding a bit better and she is still getting breathing treatments every three hours and after the treatment they use a percussor on her chest (aka " the jackhammer") to break up secretions in her lungs. So, it was super fun waking up every three hours to that loud sound. But the craziest thing is that she actually LIKES the percussor. So at least she isn't crying during the treatment and they are helping her improve. This afternoon she is doing better and has played a little. They want her to be completely off oxygen for a while, especially while sleeping and eating and drinking better. So those are our prayer requests. She is taking her time getting better and that's ok, even though we are growing weary. They aren't talking yet about when we might go home, we want to completely comfortable taking her home, so we are in no rush. Pray for strength and endurance for all of us. Lee and were suppose to be at Ross Bridge resort tonight....alone....with no kids....ahhh, would have been nice :). Your prayers are helping and God is healing her from this virus, we are so grateful!

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