Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The fog

We're home! Sorry for the long delay in posting....Mary Graham and I flew home on Thanksgiving Day and were able to spend it with our family. It is so good to be home and especially see Loftin and Lucy...this trip seemed so much longer than some of our others up to CHOP.

Needless to say, we were very thankful on this Thanksgiving Day. Thankful to God and for those of you who so faithfully prayed for her. And for my sister who flew up and helped me the last 5 days. The last several days have been a bit of a fog, but it is starting to lift...it can be so emotionally and physically draining, although Mary Graham hasn't missed a beat and she is doing so great. She has a big incision on her back, but it doesn't seem to bother her, except when we have to change the dressing. In fact, when we got home she immediately wanted to get in her zip zac chair and has been zipping around ever since. She's getting really fast in it and can even turn around.....amazing how quickly she has picked it up. Today Lucy was coloring in her room by herself and MG was in her zipzac and was wheeling in there to "play" (she loves to just go  in Lucy's room and pull things off her shelf) but then I heard Lucy say, "No, Mary Graham, you can't come in here...momma, get her, she is just going to roll over all my color pages." I laughed at how funny that sounded...but then I'm thankful that MG has a way to "get around" now, even if she's rolling over things she shouldn't.  And how Lucy just thinks MG in her zipzac is the norm.....this zipzac is really a huge blessing.

MG will have lots of follow up appointments, bloodwork, stitches removed and will remain on antibiotics for the next few months. Asking for continued prayers of healing for this infection and for it to not return. MG will have her expansion surgery in two months on Feb. 5th....so back to Philly we go. That's the plan, but I tend to hold these "plans" loosely, as you never know what God has planned and we trust in Him. He brought us through this trial and remains faithful always.

Thanks again for your prayers....we are hoping for a nice quiet Christmas....well, relatively quiet with three kiddos :) And hope you each enjoy this next season of celebrating our Savior's birth....praise God that there is so much hope in this world because He came.

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