Jan 16, 2014 5:34 PM
Mary Graham and I are home!Had perfect travel, a long layover in Atlanta but found chickfila and she did so well.
She slept the whole Atlanta to bham flight and then woke up with a big smile as we were
getting off the plane and said "that was so much fun!"
I'm so thankful for her little temperment God have her with all she has been through. That in itself
I'm so thankful for her little temperment God have her with all she has been through. That in itself
makes this whole journey so much better.
She was sooo excited to see Loftin and Lucy, she just kept hugging them :)
She is still having some pain, and we are tired....But very thankful.
Thank you all for praying us through! God is so faithful every step.
She is still having some pain, and we are tired....But very thankful.
Thank you all for praying us through! God is so faithful every step.