Monday, October 27, 2014

Josie and Xena

Mary Graham has had a great day-it started with a visit to see Dr. Campbell at 7:30 am this morning (that's 6:30 central-yawn) and he was so pleased to see how well she is doing. She slept ok last night, and coughed a lot, but seemed to feel good today. We saw anesthesia and the nurse listened to her and her lungs sound good, so they don't seem concerned and think she probably just has some congestion that is causing her cough. She barely took a nap because she was coughing a lot then also, so we played outside, in the playroom, watched movies, and played some more. I think she thinks the Ronald McDonald House is a fun vacation spot ;)
I'm so amazed throughout this day that she is so happy, loves going to the hospital, loves all the nurses and doctors, asking everyone "What's your name?"-God has brought her so far from the days of screaming the minute anyone looked at her, let alone touched her and I was always exhausted and sweating from any doctor visit. So, her sweet, joyful temperment makes such a difference.
MG made a sweet new friend, who also has veptr rods and is having surgery tomorrow also. Her name is Josie and she is 5 years old. She and MG ran around the waiting rooms and had a great time playing, the only time they were sad was when they sat next to each other getting blood work. These are some amazing kiddos and they are so brave. I love that she got to meet someone similar to herself and talking with other parents is so comforting.
Our day ended with a visit from Xena the pet therapy dog here at the RMH. Mary Graham got to see her last time we were here-she LOVES this little dog. We facetimed with Loftin and Lucy, then off to take a bath and get wiped down with special sanitary wipes and now she's asleep.
I was thinking back to on our way to the airport early yesterday morning, MG was looking out the window and the sun was coming up. She said, "look at the sky, God made the sky....God made the trees....God made the sun...and God made me." Then Lucy chimed in saying, "God made everything and the most important thing is you Mary Graham." She answered back, "yes, God made me."
Then of course the sweet moment ended and they went on to naming all the things God didn't really make, like cars and houses and clothes and on an on.
But, I love how she understands the truths of God and his promises, even in her little 3 year old mind. My prayer is that she always sees herself and "wonderfully and fearfully made."
We have been very encouraged today and felt your prayers. These trips are exhausting, but God is lifting us up. Please continue to pray for MG, for her cough to not cause complications tomorrow. For Dr. Campbell and the surgery (he is expanding one rod, replacing the other) and her recovery, which is always hard and for our fears and worries to be turned to trust.

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