Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Day One Post-Op

Mary Graham has had a pretty rough day....she is still battling pain, needing morphine rescues and is getting a stronger form of motrin (tordal?) around the clock. Although she is only on .5 liters of oxygen and her g-tube seems to be working. She will be getting her first "feed" through her tube tonight and hopefully she will tolerate that well. The pain is mostly due to her gtube placement in her stomach because of cutting through abdomen muscle and this should take a couple days to heal. She is also running fever, which can be common after a broncoscopy. I held her once and she hurts a lot when she tries to move or even coughs.

This afternoon she did perk up a little and we got  a few smiles....

But can't wait until she is back to this...

Please continue to pray for fever to resolve, her tube feed to go smoothly, pain to improve and just for a better night and day tomorrow. We have had wonderful nurses and such great care here at CHOP. We are thankful for your prayers and for all the prayers that have been answered so far. Here is a verse/quote from an email I received today, such a sweet reminder in the midst of all this about the deep love of our God...

Your Father says, "I called you by name from the very beginning. You belong to me, and I know you as my own, and I am yours. You know me as your own true Father. I molded you in your mother's womb. I carved you in the palms of my Son. I hide you in my embrace. You have my infinite tenderness, and I care for you intimately. I have counted every hair on your head, and wherever you go, I go with you. Wherever you rest, I keep watch. I give you food that will satisfy all your hunger and drink that will quench your thirst. I will never hide my face from you. Nothing will ever separate us. Wherever you are, I am. Live your life as my redeemed child. You can reach out to true inner freedom and find it ever more fully."

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