Monday, July 23, 2012

Deja vu

 Deja vu has been the theme of our trip back up to Philly so far. We arrived yesterday with smooth travels and MG did great on the plane (this is always a blessing). The the Ronald McDonald house was full, so they got us a discount rate at the Sheraton (just like last time). Ate dinner at a local Mexcian place (just like last time). Then today, we had to be at CHOP this morning early for xrays, meeting with Dr. Campbell, bloodwork and anesthesia (just like last time). However, MG was hysterical during most of this, threw up all over the xray table...she remembers this place far too well. Being back at CHOP brought back lots of memories from MG's surgery in March, walking the halls, eating in the cafeteria, seeing familiar faces. Then this afternoon RMH house called and said they had a room open up and it was ours if we wanted (just like last time). So, off we go to the RMH and what do you know, we are in the same room out of over 40 rooms (just like last time :). I'm sitting on the same bed as I type that we spent those two weeks here four months crazy. We are so thankful to get a room here though and have already met another veptr family, their daughter having surgery tomorrow after MG. And, honestly, all this familiarity makes me remember.....but I'm not thinking so much about the scary days we had with MG last March, but how God brought us through every step of the way. And I know this time is no different.....we have walked these same steps before and I can look back and know that God is still the same, he is unchanging and His faithfulness remains through the good and the bad. What a comfort to rest in these promises.

We ask you to pray tomorrow for Mary Graham, we will be at CHOP at 6:15 am, she's the first case. Dr. Campbell will lengthen both rods through two incisions. The surgery should last about 2-3 hours total, but the actual surgery is just about 30 mins. Please pray for a smooth procedure, no complications with anesthesia or her breathing (this is what I'm most fearful of because of all she went through last time) and for her recovery to be easy and with little pain. Pray also for us to have peace and faith that God has MG in his hands.

One cool story....right after we got to the airport in Birmingham an old friend of Lee's from Auburn saw us and called out to Lee (he hasn't seen him in over 10 years). He and his family walked up to us and he looked down at MG and said, "oh, is this Mary Graham? I've been praying for her." I almost burst into tears. How sweet that God would place them in our paths and what a encouragment to know people we haven't seen in ages are praying for her.

Thank you for continuing to pray-I will post more tomorrow after the surgery. Your prayers and support really mean so much and help us get through these more difficult and uncertain times.

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