Sunday, July 24, 2011

Believing before

I debated whether or not to update quite yet because we have not spoken to MG's neurosurgeon or genetics doctor since the MRI, but wanted to share what we know so far. I did speak to the genetics nurse and she was able to read the radiology report from the MRI and actually email the findings to us. It appears that there were no significant findings about her spinal cord. The main thing they were looking for was a tethered cord or some other issue of the spinal that could be causing the scoliosis. To be honest, I am both relieved and a little discouraged. I know this may sound warped....but if one of these things had been found, it would have been more definitive....a solution to the problem. However, we are trusting that this IS good and God knows what is best for Mary Graham. And we are so thankful that God protected her during that procedure. We may receive some more information about the MRI after speaking with the doctors.

So, now what? We continue to wait. They were able to collect a urine sample during the MRI to start a 2-3 week test that involves trying to narrow down what kind of genetic condition MG may have. Also, we are still considering options for her scoliosis treatment, which is the most important focus right now because it is progressing. We should have much more information about these options this week.

There are many ups and downs right now. But God is ever so present. I read my devotion this morning about the children of Israel after they crossed the Red Sea, it says in Psalms that "then they believed his promises and sang his praise." So they didn't believe in God's promises until after they saw His work. Hmm, sounds But he wants me to believe matter what the circumstances. In Psalm 27 it says, "I would have despaired unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living." God has already been so gracious to let us see his goodness and His work. But in the land of the unknown (which is really where we all are, right?), I want to trust and believe before and not doubt Him and his love in circumstances of life.

We ask you to pray for upcoming treatments and tests results that are unknown at this time and that God would go before us to prepare the way. I will update this week as we learn more. There is much to be thankful and praise Him for and we know His perfect plan prevails.

Ah, then the next verse I read after all this...."You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand." John 13:7

Thankful that we have a God who goes before...

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