Thursday, July 28, 2011

More stuff....more prayer

We met with another orthopedist this week and have some specific prayer requests as the next few months unfold....

Mary Graham's scoliosis is not your typical run-of-the-mill scoliosis that is generally seen in babies of this age in that her back has a significant amount of rigidity - which will make treatment challenging (and probably quite lengthy).   The orthopedist wants to try a cast when she turns six months old. The cast will go all the way up to her neck, around her torso and around one leg to hold it in place. Our prayer is that the cast will help stop the progression and may possibly improve her curve. Please pray that the casting will be successful and for other future decisions about treatments.

Mary Graham's hip sockets did not form properly and there isn't much they can do right now. Later, and I'm not sure how much later in life, she will most likely face more surgeries to correct them. However, the orthopedist said children learn to adapt and, although with some delay, she will most likely crawl and walk.

Genetic testing is still in progress.....we are awaiting the urine testing that will take another couple weeks to point them in the right direction as to Mary Graham's condition or disorder. We continue to pray that her diagnosis is hopeful, treatable and non-progressive. After the urine results, the orthopedist will then schedule the casting. He wants to have more of an idea of her condition before doing that. Even if we don't have a definitive diagnosis after the urine, it sounds like they will have a better idea of what we are facing, and may then do more specific genetic tests (which can take months). We also ask you to pray that no new issues arise with Mary Graham as she grows.

We are also beginning physical therapy. How thankful we are that this is available in helping us to help her. Mary Graham is also a very happy, content baby and this will help her with all she has to face.

As we are beginning to grasp more of the longevity of Mary Graham's treatments and such, it is a overwelming reality to face at times. God has entrusted us with her and we are so thankful for the way he made her. Again, I just try and walk this path daily, not looking too far ahead, trying to let Him go before us. I know he can do immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine...I have witnessed this in my own life, but the doubt still comes. We ask you to pray for daily strength and endurance. The verse from Hebrews 12 has been on my mind, I've been meaning to look it up - well it just happened to be the verse of the day on bible gateway. "Let us run with perserverence the race marked out for us." It is already marked out for us, how we choose to run is up to us, but thankfully God says we are not alone.

There is much to be thankful for and I continue to hold tight to the promises of restoration in Jeremiah 33..."Call to me and I will show you great and unsearchable things that you do not know."

I will update when we get test results and a date set for the casting. We are so grateful for your prayers.

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