Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Day Three

Not too much to say about today, it was a nice change from yesterday. We met with the general surgeon who will be in on MG's surgery. He was so nice and we could see the CT of her chest and spine. He will be there to help assist Dr. Campbell, the orthopedist, during her veptr surgery. Just another member of the team. One encouraging thing he said was that Mary Graham's size was fine for surgery, although small, he said she seemed healthy and not malnourished like some children can appear. So I thought this was a huge praise!

We were able to rest some today, Mary Graham has not quite been herself, but I'm sure she's just getting back to normal after yesterday. Tomorrow we meet the pulmonologist (also on MG's team) at 8:00 and then have a 4 hour pulmonology test at 1:00. She won't be able to eat or sleep after 7:00 am, so pray that goes well. She will be sedated for that test. Also, Dr. Campbell was able to work us in tomorrow, we weren't actually going to see him again until the day before her surgery, but they worked it out, so I'm so thankful for that.....lots of questions to ask him and now he has her MRI and we can discuss that. So, after tomorrow, we should have much more of an idea of what to expect when we return in about a week for her surgery. Please pray for a smooth day tomorrow, as it is also very full and for peace and trust in God and this plan for Mary Graham as we get very close to her surgery. God has blessed our days here already, thank you so much for all of your prayers.

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