Wednesday, August 22, 2012

It takes a village

Today Mary Graham had her MRI, which happened this morning, so that was an answer to prayer that we didn't have wait all day. It went very smooth and she recovered great. They said she woke up and said "I want my passy." we also had the same nurse anesthetist that have had many times and who loves MG. The MRI did not show any infection, which was what they thought could be a possibility, mainly since she has already been on antibiotics for three days. So, now what? Even though no infection showed up on the mri, the doctors still believe the infection involves her rods. This is where it gets complicated in finding the best way to treat an infection. Well, the doctors are talking to Dr. Campbell and infectious disease to figure out the next step. She has improved a little the last few days, but got a fever today and is still battling pain, especially when we move her. We just want her to start feeling better so we can all go home soon.

I was thinking about that phrase, "it take a village to raise a child".... But in our case it seems like it should say "it takes a village to care for the Sheppards." I just want to say, that over the last 17 months, the love of Christ has been poured out on us. It wasn't more than an hour after being admitted to the hospital than others were asking how they could help with kids, food, etc. I'm always so humbled at the way you all serve us so much, so thank you. And thank you mostly for your commitment to pray for Mary Graham through all her ups and downs. I look forward to the day she understands more and can see how much God loves her through His people. But actually, I think she already understands a little.

Please continue to lift her up. Pray for healing of the infection and that the doctors would have wisdom and insight into how to treat her best. Pray for great improvement, no fevers and no pain, that has been the most difficult to deal with, her pain. We always, always covet your prayers. One friend texted me this morning and said, "I don't know what God is doing in all of this, but He is good and He loves you and MG" I couldn't have said it better.

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