Monday, August 20, 2012

You just never know...

So, you just never know what each day may make a long story short, MG started running fever, having diarrhea  and pain saturday afternoon so we came to the ER on Sunday morning. Well, that turned into a whole lot more. Her white blood count and inflammatory markers were very high and so she has some form of infection. They are now trying to figure it out. They believe it could be in her rods, even after already doing a CT and ultrasound. Now we are scheduled to have an MRI on wed morning. She has been up and down, but has seemed to improve some today and is on antibiotics and fluids. Please pray for her and for her healing. Pray that it's not an infection of her rods and that she continues to improve. If it is an infection of her rods, it's a whole other can of worms in having to try and get rid of it and can involve removal of rods.

Thanks for all you prayers, hoping for good night and better day. Trusting in God and trying to just take it one day at a time.

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