Monday, August 27, 2012

Pain continues

Please continue to lift up Mary Graham...her pain is very bad right now, keeping her up at night and crying any time we move her. Dr. Campbell in Philly is still waiting to get some of the CT scans, so we will most likely speak with him tomorrow. We are going to see Dr. Makris, our pulmonologist, in the morning to check bloodwork, as many of the doctors are still concerned about a rod infection. Dr. Makris has been a huge blessing in all of this, taking role of being the middle man in all these moving parts.....The waiting and watching her in pain is so hard right now. Please pray for pain to improve and for no sign of infection to show up on the bloodwork. Pray for us to trust that God is in the details and He will move quickly in restoring her. 

1 comment:

  1. Praying for MG and all of you. So sorry that she is having to endure this trial. Wish there was something I could do!
    Love, Abby
