Sunday, March 18, 2012

Day 5~part 2

Mary Graham has had a really good day. Since they extubated her early this morning, she has slowly improved. Her heart rate and O2 is still good, she is still getting oxygen support. She is still breathing fast, they are watching that and doing lots of breathing treatments to help keep her lungs clear.

Overall, she seems to be improving and she has been awake a ton today. In fact, she is not on much pain medicine and seems to be tolerating that ok. And I have gotten to hold her in the rocking chair several times. It is so good to see her looking more like her sweet self. Next, I hope to get a smile sometime soon.

One sweet story, right after they extubated her and she was awake with eyes open and looking more like the MG we know, her sweet doctor (who had yet to see her this way) kept saying, "i'm in love with her and her big blue eyes, wish I could stay here all day." I much prefer this kind of attention from the doctors :)

Thank you for continuing to pray as Mary Graham heals. We praise God for all the steps she is making in her recovery.

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