Monday, January 21, 2013

A glimmer

Today we have begun to see a glimmer of improvement in MG....she is still on the same oxygen levels, and having some fever, but overall she just looks better and doctors say her lungs sound a little better too. She has played and talked more this morning and even eaten some tater tots :). Since she loves to take medicine from a syringe, we have been giving her juice with one of those and she is beginning to drink a little more.

Also, they confirmed this morning that she does in fact have RSV, so that helps us make a better decision about holding off on antibiotics for now and know that this virus takes a long time to run its course, especially in a baby with compromised lungs and weak muscles.

I mentioned last night about how her bloodwork had risen some yesterday and they will check it tomorrow again...please pray it doesn't rise again, just as she is beginning to get over the RSV that could also be a sign that the rod infection is returning. I have been talking with the nurse at CHOP about the plans for MG and her expansion in a couple weeks, pray for God to work all the details of this out, as He always does.

We have a renewed sense of hope today (and a little clearer mind since I slept some last night) but still a ways to go. Your prayers are being heard and I have been thinking about the verse below. It is so hard to trust in the unseen, especially during these trying times, but I know and believe He is with us and moving and working every second in ways we can not understand or comprehend. And I trust that these things that are unseen are much better than the seen. God promises that to us.

Thank you for lifting us up and praying for MG's healing.

"So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal."
2 Corinthians 4:18

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