Tuesday, January 8, 2013

A New Plan

So after posting Sunday night, by 8:00 Monday morning our pulmonologist had already talked with Dr. Campbell and come up with a plan for Mary Graham. Talk about some prayers being answered for the doctors to get moving and make a plan. I even dreamed Sunday night that Dr. Campbell called Monday morning, said to come on up to Philly, took out one of her rods and we were back in Birmingham by noon....ah, if only it were that easy :)

Here's the plan....we have gone ahead and stopped her antibiotics for now and are watching to see how she responds, so far she's been ok, no fever today or yesterday. I feel like I'm watching everythings she does so closely, like a ticking time bomb. They are scheduling an MRI and possibly an ultrasound for this Thursday or Friday at Children's in Bham. So, depending on what they see (which may be nothing, because some of the bacteria may be too small to see on MRI) and depending on how she presents over the next week or so (fevers, pain) then we will know for sure if the rod needs to come out and we will schedule to go up to CHOP for surgery...most likely they will just take out the left rod. I think she would then heal a few months and then back again to reimplant the rod. This will be tough on her little body.

Or, maybe she will be just fine off her antibiotics and the infection won't come back. God can rid her of this and we definitely pray for that, but so far it is still pointing towards there being an infection. So, whatever the end result we pray God will be with us, guide us and the doctors and get MG feeling better.

Only God knows what the next few weeks may hold...please pray for all the details to work out, even logistically with travelling and kids, flying off to Philly at the spur of the moment can be difficult. But I have seen God work in the tiniest details and trust that He will do the same this time.

Thanks so much for your prayers!

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