Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Broken Record

Mary Graham has been sick since Sunday with high fever, cough, and congestion...she has been pitiful. We were at Children's all morning yesterday, had xrays, labs, and saw our pulmonologist. She definitely has a nasty virus, but the jury is still out on whether her rods are still infected....her bloodwork was a little misleading. As our doctor put it, "its never simple with MG." Her wbc was normal, but the inflammatory markers were very high. So, the plan is to just see how she does the next couple days and see if her fevers remain or if she gets better and it is truly all from this virus. Like she has in the past, she will let us know if the rod infection is back.

Also, he is very concerned with her weight and growth, she has even lost some weight. It's so up and down with her appetite, because when she's sick or on antibiotics or fighting the rod infection (which seems like is all the time) she doesn't want to eat. Getting her to eat each day is a battle, and this week has been particularly hard with her being sick. Her rods on her back are more noticeable under her skin than they ever have been and we do not want the skin to break down. We are still waiting to see GI and she has been put on Cyproheptadine, an antihistamine that is suppose to increase appetite. It's only been two days, so we will see. We have seen tons of nutritionists and are trying all the things to try and put calories in her food...I even put heavy cream in her milk. Since MG is not a typical 23 month old, she needs to have more fat on her body for everything she goes through, and right now she is very thin.

So, it seems like it's just one thing on top of another lately with her. I feel like a broken record asking for prayers for healing of the rod infection and for her to grow and thrive.....and I know these requests seem insignificant in the big scheme of things. But I also know God hears the prayers of his people, no matter how big or small. Thank you for being faithful to pray for her.

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