Monday, February 2, 2015

Judi Tuti

Here is how we ended our day, with MG's favorite dog Zena and the clown Judi Tuti (who mg was ok with for just a short time 😜)
We have had a good day, no snow, but very cold and we thought it was a good idea to walk back to RMH from chop until we got caught in 25 mph winds, craziness. 

Obviously we got into the RMH and are thankful to be here. I love meeting and seeing other families and MG is obviously having a wonderful time. 

She saw anesthesia and her lungs sounds good and clear and she's still coughing a little, but should be great by Wednesday. Dr. Campbell was so glad to see her and how big she's getting, she's so comfortable at chop (except for bloodwork) and just happy as can be. 
He said he would replace the left and fix the right rod also, apparently it has floated up and needs reattaching. He said this would be more painful than an expansion, but nothing like the implant surgery. Anna, his nurse, said it was a miracle that we got in for surgery so quickly and that these things always seem to work out. God is in the details. 

Your prayers are being heard, MG's cough is better, fever is gone and tomorrow we will hopefully enjoy the children's museum. Thank you for lifting us up!

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