Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Out of surgery

Mary Graham is out of surgery and is still in recovery, she's in a good but of pain, but has finally settled out with lots of pain meds.

Dr. C said the left rod actually had a fracture in it, which is very rare. He replaced and expanded the entire left rod. The right rod had migrated thru one rib and he just put a smaller hook on it at the top, but said it should hold for a while and not need to be replaced for a while. So, he said she would be very sore with all the manipulating he did. Please continue to pray for recovery and pain. I think I age about 5 years during days like this. Praise God she is out and it's done and although they were very apprehensive about her cough, she did well. She was so upset leaving for surgery that she insisted I come and watch her be put to sleep, that is hard for me to see, will share more details of that later. 

Yours prayers are holding us up, so thank you. She's a tough little girl and we pray for a long time of no complications so she can get back to her cute, happy self. 

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