Thursday, February 5, 2015


MG had an ok night, she slept some, but would cry out in pain, and has been up since 4 am. They are keeping her on pain meds around the clock. She is just irritable and sad, although I've seen a few glimpses of herself. I think the anesthesia is out of her system so that helps her feel a little better overall. It's difficult for her to even get up to go to the bathroom. She complains of her shoulders, chest and back hurting.
She has an Iv in her foot and one hand so she keeps saying "I only have one hand and only one foot, how am I going to walk?" And I think she's a little mad at Dr. Campbell, I told her he had to help fix her back and she said she didn't like that :( she's just so much more aware of everything as she is getting older and asking questions and trying to understand. Pray that I can help her understand. 

Thank you for praying, pray for pain, healing, comfort and rest. I know it's just a process, so pray for us to trust in the slow hand of God. 

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