Sunday, May 17, 2015


In the sleepless nights this week I have prayed for some glimmers. Just small signs of improvement from God to show us MG is improving. And thankfully we have started to see some. Her pain is less constant, she is up and down. Although still is pretty awful when we have to take her potty or move her or her Motrin wears off.  Distraction and playing seem to help and baths, lots and lots of long warm baths. I even sat her in her high chair that she used with her cast and she lasted about 2 minutes, but it's a start. But, after 3 nights of almost no sleep-she finally slept last night-praise God! I went to sleep at 7:30, and she was only up for a little over an hour in the middle of the night and two hours the night before. So we are beginning to see some "glimmers."

Because this was such a huge surgery (including broken bone being exposed) and she isn't quite 6 weeks out yet she really is still healing. So our biggest prayer now is still for pain. She has slightly moved her left knee-she will have to do this on her own, we are not forcing anything right now. That stiff knee is connected to the femur, which is connected to the hip, so that is why it's so painful. We try and make it a game and ask her to swing her leg ten times while we count.

So, this is just going to be slow and I feel like we are starting to come to the reality of the hugeness of this surgery that this is just going to take time to heal, to recover and regain all her strength to walk again.

Summer starts in 4 days. Loftin and Lucy are so excited about summer and they have been such troopers through all of this. They consume our hearts and lives and energy just as much as mg. I have had to miss out on some this spring-Lee and I tag teaming soccer games and trying to help with end of the school year things, but much of that has fallen by the wayside. But Loftin and Lucy understand, they are used to all we go through with MG and for that I'm thankful. But I know at times it's hard for them to see her hurt and how she requires a lot of attention, especially right now. Lucy moved to sleeping upstairs with Loftin this last week since MG was so loud at night and they are having fun together :) I hope to spend lots of time at the pool, this is a great place our PT said would help Mary Graham get back range of motion.

I'm praying for supernatural strength and healing over the next month and through the summer. God never ceases to amaze me and I know it may be hard at times (you can specifically pray for my patience), but He's got MG in his hands and I know he'll be with us with through this journey and faithful like he always is.  Thanks so much for continuing to pray, we are so thankful for the little improvements so far and pray for more and more glimmers.

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