Friday, April 10, 2015

New day

Last night we ended up in recovery for almost 3 hours, she was doing ok, just running fever and high heart rate. But mostly they were just waiting for a room to open up. So it was late when we finally got settled into a room. Her pain has been ok, we are staying on top of it. When I moved her from her recovery bed to her room bed (which is quite difficult now that she's in a hot pink cast!) it was very painful for her. 

Her doctor told us he did an open reduction (that is cleaning out the socket and scar tissue), a pelvic Osteotomy (taking bone from her pelvis along with cadaver bone to form a better socket), and her cut her femur in half, put in a plate and screws and then rotated it to get it to stay in the socket and then casted her. Wow. But he was pleased with the results and he said her bone was soft and not strong like it should be because it's never been fully in the socket and had pressure on it from the hip socket to create strength. And this should help the angle of her entire leg in a better position.

After she settled down last night she slept the entire night-that was huge. So I got to sleep too :). She is very swollen today, but her pain seems ok. I look at her in this cast and decided I'm just going to try and take things one minute at a time. It's going to be interesting and not quite sure how the coming weeks will go. They took out her catheter and she immediately wanted to go potty. The nurse helped me, but I picked her up, let's just say I'm going to have huge arm muscles after these 6 weeks. And it's difficult to get her comfortable.

So, it's a new day and we are so thankful that God brought her through that long surgery safely. For all the loving hands that took care of her. And her doctor prayed that we would know who the true healer and Great Physician is.  

We felt your prayers yesterday and saw Gods love through so many people. Please continue to pray for her healing and adjustment to the cast. We are so so grateful for your prayers!

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